The Front-Line Workshop is the only survivor created, Veteran-owned proven training course approved/endorsed by the Chief Professional Conduct and Culture (CPCC) of the Canadian Armed Forces. SPCG has partnered with known experts in the area of sexual assault advocacy and support Association of Alberta Sexual Assault Services to create the best possible, cutting edge tools and techniques in survivor support and culture change using best practises.
Survivor Perspectives Consulting Group offers a unique program featuring the survivor perspective in a professionally curated, day-long workshop designed to engage the audience to help foster change from the senior levels of leadership right to new recruits fresh off basic training. Together we can help create a better environment in which to get the job done.

The 2018 Statscan survey found that 70% of Canadian Armed Forces members have witnessed or been subject to sexual misconduct while in uniform. The problems within the military are becoming a matter of national security, as we continue to fail at force protection.
What is the one thing missing from every conversation around traditional sexual assault prevention efforts? The Survivor Perspective. SPCG can offer tools and techniques on how to support victims and survivors so we can minimize long term mental health injury. Survivors may return to service to achieve their goals and dreams within the CAF or other Uniformed Services.
We can also demonstrate how to better find and intervene earlier on the spectrum, minimizing the culture that supports and allows predators to wear the authority of a uniform and infiltrate the CAF. We can assist in sustainable cultural change through education and understanding, using the voices and words of survivors. Together we can fight this problem, empowered and ready, and for those we serve with and those who are following us.
No other available workshop on Culture Change and uniformed sexual trauma first aid and intervention currently offers survivors as facilitators and course peer support. All facilitators are professionally trained and vetted. This gives survivors a way to continue to serve and give back in a healthy way. As a grassroots initiative, SPCG can offer a professional workshop from the Survivor Perspective.

“This was hands down the best course I have received on this
subject. I will strongly be encouraging all members to attend if they feel comfortable to future courses.”
– Master Sailor, CJOC

“In a nutshell, the Front-Line Workshop not only broadened my perspective on sexual violence/misconduct, but it motivated me to do more than just absorb information. It motivated me to be the change I want to see in the CAF. It motivated me to stand up and start acting as an agent for change.”
– Captain, TDO

“What struck me most about the training that you offered was the depth with which you explored victim impact. To better manage victim impact as we continue to develop strategies to respond to sexual misconduct and sexual
assault in the CAF, your training offers a way to better understand how we may inadvertently misstep.”
– Lieutenant-Colonel, CO”

Following the initial ten serials offered to the Canadian Army (CA) and three regionalized serials with Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) Command Teams, interest in our training quickly increased and has outgrown the current ability of our small group to keep pace. The impact of this survivor-borne training cannot be overstated, and the post-training surveys and word of mouth are more than overwhelmingly positive – throughout the CAF, members are advocating and requesting our training through their respective Chains of Command. SPCG has trained over 2500 members of the Defence Team, all ranks (from recruit to Lieutenant-General, Reserves, Regular, Civilian, and Canadian Ranger.
The following data was taken from pilot serials occurring between 28 June 2021 and 1 December 2021. In total, 700 personnel participated in the SPCG Frontline Workshop for Military Sexual Trauma (MST).
• 289 people gave permission to use their pre-course survey responses.
• 346 people gave permission to use their post-course survey responses.

80% of respondents reported taking previous training in sexual misconduct prevention. Specifically, Respect in the CAF course delivered by Personnel Support Services and a few longer-serving members also having taken Standards for Harassment and Racism Prevention (SHARP) training.

Prior to our training, 88% felt that they were not equipped to support a victim of sexual misconduct. This is not due to a lack of desire to support – commonly, the response is “I hope I could figure it out,” showing that our members would support survivors if given the right tools.

98% of members felt that they now knew what to say and what not to say after a disclosure

83% of Course Respondents felt that they were more equipped to intervene as a
bystander following the workshop training.

84% of survivors reported believing this training could have positively influenced
their case had they taken the course earlier.

99% of respondents said that they would recommend this training to others
58% said it should be taken by every person within DND, while the others
identified that it should prioritize those coming into the CAF or prior to going on
leadership training (PLQ/BMOQ).
* Data gathered for this report was analyzed using the statistical software JASP v 0.16 (JASP, 2021). Responses to the pre-and
post-course surveys were collected between June 8, 2021, and December 10, 2021. Consent to collect data was given by 289
participants in the pre-course survey and 346 participants in the post-course survey. Responders were informed they were not
required to answer every question and were free to withdraw consent at any time. References: JASP Team (2021). JASP (Version
0.16) [Computer software].
This UNIFORMED SEXUAL TRAUMA FIRST AID Quick Reference Card © is a complement to the training, but is also a guide for anyone that needs some help supporting survivors. It can be saved on a phone, or printed out from a PDF, so it works both old school and digitally, and in English, French and Ukrainian. This card is only to be used as a reference guide and is not a substitute for the Front-Line Workshop.
Right click on the card image to save the web jpeg or use the download buttons to save a printable PDF.